Function scanCSV

  • Lazily read from a CSV file or multiple files via glob patterns.

    This allows the query optimizer to push down predicates and projections to the scan level, thereby potentially reducing memory overhead.


    • path: string

      path to a file

    • Optionaloptions: Partial<ScanCsvOptions>
      • hasHeader

        Indicate if first row of dataset is header or not. If set to False first row will be set to column_x, x being an enumeration over every column in the dataset.

      • sep

        Character to use as delimiter in the file.

      • commentChar

        character that indicates the start of a comment line, for instance '#'.

      • quoteChar

        character that is used for csv quoting, default = ''. Set to null to turn special handling and escaping of quotes off.

      • skipRows

        Start reading after skipRows position.

      • nullValues

        Values to interpret as null values. You can provide a - string -> all values encountered equal to this string will be null - Array<string> -> A null value per column. - Record<string,string> -> An object or map that maps column name to a null value string.Ex. {"column_1": 0}

      • ignoreErrors

        Try to keep reading lines if some lines yield errors.

      • cache

        Cache the result after reading.

      • inferSchemaLength

        Maximum number of lines to read to infer schema. If set to 0, all columns will be read as pl.Utf8. If set to null, a full table scan will be done (slow).

      • nRows

        After n rows are read from the CSV, it stops reading. During multi-threaded parsing, an upper bound of n rows cannot be guaranteed.

      • rechunk

        Make sure that all columns are contiguous in memory by aggregating the chunks into a single array.

      • lowMemory

        Reduce memory usage in expense of performance.

    Returns LazyDataFrame