Path(s) to a file. If a single path is given, it can be a globbing pattern.
Options for scanParquet
allowMissingColumns?: booleanOptional
cache?: booleanOptional
cloudOptions?: Map<string, string>Optional
glob?: booleanOptional
hivePartitioning?: booleanOptional
hiveSchema?: unknownOptional
includeFilePaths?: stringOptional
lowMemory?: booleanOptional
nRows?: numberOptional
parallel?: "auto" | "columns" | "row_groups" | "none"Optional
rechunk?: booleanOptional
retries?: numberOptional
rowIndexName?: stringOptional
rowIndexOffset?: numberOptional
tryParseHiveDates?: booleanOptional
useStatistics?: boolean
Lazily read from a local or cloud-hosted parquet file (or files).
This function allows the query optimizer to push down predicates and projections to the scan level, typically increasing performance and reducing memory overhead.
This allows the query optimizer to push down predicates and projections to the scan level, thereby potentially reducing memory overhead.