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This getting started guide is written for new users of Polars. The goal is to provide a quick overview of the most common functionality. For a more detailed explanation, please go to the User Guide

Rust Users Only

Due to historical reasons the eager API in Rust is outdated. In the future we would like to redesign it as a small wrapper around the lazy API (as is the design in Python / NodeJS). In the examples we will use the lazy API instead with .lazy() and .collect(). For now you can ignore these two functions. If you want to know more about the lazy and eager API go here.

To enable the Lazy API ensure you have the feature flag lazy configured when installing Polars

# Cargo.toml
polars = { version = "x", features = ["lazy", ...]}

Because of the ownership ruling in Rust we can not reuse the same DataFrame multiple times in the examples. For simplicity reasons we call clone() to overcome this issue. Note that this does not duplicate the data but just increments a pointer (Arc).