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Read from a database

We can read from a database with Polars using the pl.read_database function. To use this function you need an SQL query string and a connection string called a connection_uri.

For example, the following snippet shows the general patterns for reading all columns from the foo table in a Postgres database:

read_database ยท Available on feature connectorx

import polars as pl

connection_uri = "postgres://username:password@server:port/database"
query = "SELECT * FROM foo"

pl.read_database(query=query, connection_uri=connection_uri)


Polars doesn't manage connections and data transfer from databases by itself. Instead external libraries (known as engines) handle this. At present Polars can use two engines to read from databases:


ConnectorX is the default engine and supports numerous databases including Postgres, Mysql, SQL Server and Redshift. ConnectorX is written in Rust and stores data in Arrow format to allow for zero-copy to Polars.

To read from one of the supported databases with ConnectorX you need to activate the additional dependency ConnectorX when installing Polars or install it manually with

$ pip install connectorx


ADBC (Arrow Database Connectivity) is an engine supported by the Apache Arrow project. ADBC aims to be both an API standard for connecting to databases and libraries implementing this standard in a range of languages.

It is still early days for ADBC so support for different databases is still limited. At present drivers for ADBC are only available for Postgres and SQLite. To install ADBC you need to install the driver for your database. For example to install the driver for SQLite you run

$ pip install adbc-driver-sqlite

As ADBC is not the default engine you must specify the engine as an argument to pl.read_database


connection_uri = "postgres://username:password@server:port/database"
query = "SELECT * FROM foo"

pl.read_database(query=query, connection_uri=connection_uri, engine="adbc")

Write to a database

We can write to a database with Polars using the pl.write_database function.


As with reading from a database above Polars uses an engine to write to a database. The currently supported engines are:

  • SQLAlchemy and
  • Arrow Database Connectivity (ADBC)


With the default engine SQLAlchemy you can write to any database supported by SQLAlchemy. To use this engine you need to install SQLAlchemy and Pandas

$ pip install SQLAlchemy pandas

In this example, we write the DataFrame to a table called records in the database


connection_uri = "postgres://username:password@server:port/database"
df = pl.DataFrame({"foo": [1, 2, 3]})

df.write_database(table_name="records",  connection_uri=connection_uri)

In the SQLAlchemy approach Polars converts the DataFrame to a Pandas DataFrame backed by PyArrow and then uses SQLAlchemy methods on a Pandas DataFrame to write to the database.


As with reading from a database you can also use ADBC to write to a SQLite or Posgres database. As shown above you need to install the appropriate ADBC driver for your database.


connection_uri = "postgres://username:password@server:port/database"
df = pl.DataFrame({"foo": [1, 2, 3]})

df.write_database(table_name="records", connection_uri=connection_uri, engine="adbc")