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JSON files

Read & write


Reading a JSON file should look familiar:

JsonReader · Available on feature json

use polars::prelude::*;

let mut file = std::fs::File::open("docs/data/path.json").unwrap();
let df = JsonReader::new(&mut file).finish().unwrap();

Newline Delimited JSON

JSON objects that are delimited by newlines can be read into polars in a much more performant way than standard json.

JsonLineReader · Available on feature json

let mut file = std::fs::File::open("docs/data/path.json").unwrap();
let df = JsonLineReader::new(&mut file).finish().unwrap();


JsonWriter · JsonWriter · Available on feature json

let mut df = df!(
    "foo" => &[1, 2, 3],
    "bar" => &[None, Some("bak"), Some("baz")],

let mut file = std::fs::File::create("docs/data/path.json").unwrap();

// json
JsonWriter::new(&mut file)
    .finish(&mut df)

// ndjson
JsonWriter::new(&mut file)
    .finish(&mut df)


Polars allows you to scan a JSON input only for newline delimited json. Scanning delays the actual parsing of the file and instead returns a lazy computation holder called a LazyFrame.

LazyJsonLineReader · Available on feature json

let df = LazyJsonLineReader::new("docs/data/path.json".to_string()).finish().unwrap();