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Polars has native support for parsing time series data and doing more sophisticated operations such as temporal grouping and resampling.


Polars has the following datetime datatypes:

  • Date: Date representation e.g. 2014-07-08. It is internally represented as days since UNIX epoch encoded by a 32-bit signed integer.
  • Datetime: Datetime representation e.g. 2014-07-08 07:00:00. It is internally represented as a 64 bit integer since the Unix epoch and can have different units such as ns, us, ms.
  • Duration: A time delta type that is created when subtracting Date/Datetime. Similar to timedelta in python.
  • Time: Time representation, internally represented as nanoseconds since midnight.

Parsing dates from a file

When loading from a CSV file Polars attempts to parse dates and times if the try_parse_dates flag is set to True:


df = pl.read_csv("docs/data/apple_stock.csv", try_parse_dates=True)

CsvReader · Available on feature csv

let df = CsvReader::from_path("docs/data/apple_stock.csv")
println!("{}", &df);

shape: (100, 2)
│ Date       ┆ Close  │
│ ---        ┆ ---    │
│ date       ┆ f64    │
│ 1981-02-23 ┆ 24.62  │
│ 1981-05-06 ┆ 27.38  │
│ 1981-05-18 ┆ 28.0   │
│ 1981-09-25 ┆ 14.25  │
│ …          ┆ …      │
│ 2012-12-04 ┆ 575.85 │
│ 2013-07-05 ┆ 417.42 │
│ 2013-11-07 ┆ 512.49 │
│ 2014-02-25 ┆ 522.06 │

On the other hand binary formats such as parquet have a schema that is respected by Polars.

Casting strings to dates

You can also cast a column of datetimes encoded as strings to a datetime type. You do this by calling the string str.strptime method and passing the format of the date string:

read_csv · strptime

df = pl.read_csv("docs/data/apple_stock.csv", try_parse_dates=False)

df = df.with_columns(pl.col("Date").str.strptime(pl.Date, format="%Y-%m-%d"))

CsvReader · Available on feature csv

let df = CsvReader::from_path("docs/data/apple_stock.csv")
let df = df
        .strptime(DataType::Date, StrptimeOptions::default())])
println!("{}", &df);

shape: (100, 2)
│ Date       ┆ Close  │
│ ---        ┆ ---    │
│ date       ┆ f64    │
│ 1981-02-23 ┆ 24.62  │
│ 1981-05-06 ┆ 27.38  │
│ 1981-05-18 ┆ 28.0   │
│ 1981-09-25 ┆ 14.25  │
│ …          ┆ …      │
│ 2012-12-04 ┆ 575.85 │
│ 2013-07-05 ┆ 417.42 │
│ 2013-11-07 ┆ 512.49 │
│ 2014-02-25 ┆ 522.06 │

The strptime date formats can be found here..

Extracting date features from a date column

You can extract data features such as the year or day from a date column using the .dt namespace on a date column:


df_with_year = df.with_columns(pl.col("Date").dt.year().alias("year"))

let df_with_year = df
println!("{}", &df_with_year);
shape: (100, 3)
│ Date       ┆ Close  ┆ year │
│ ---        ┆ ---    ┆ ---  │
│ date       ┆ f64    ┆ i32  │
│ 1981-02-23 ┆ 24.62  ┆ 1981 │
│ 1981-05-06 ┆ 27.38  ┆ 1981 │
│ 1981-05-18 ┆ 28.0   ┆ 1981 │
│ 1981-09-25 ┆ 14.25  ┆ 1981 │
│ …          ┆ …      ┆ …    │
│ 2012-12-04 ┆ 575.85 ┆ 2012 │
│ 2013-07-05 ┆ 417.42 ┆ 2013 │
│ 2013-11-07 ┆ 512.49 ┆ 2013 │
│ 2014-02-25 ┆ 522.06 ┆ 2014 │

Mixed offsets

If you have mixed offsets (say, due to crossing daylight saving time), then you can use utc=True and then convert to your time zone:

strptime · convert_time_zone · Available on feature timezone

data = [
mixed_parsed = (
    .str.strptime(pl.Datetime, format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z")

let data = [
let q = col("date")
        DataType::Datetime(TimeUnit::Microseconds, None),
        StrptimeOptions {
            format: Some("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z".to_string()),
let mixed_parsed = df!("date" => &data)?.lazy().select([q]).collect()?;

println!("{}", &mixed_parsed);
shape: (4,)
Series: '' [datetime[μs, Europe/Brussels]]
    2021-03-27 00:00:00 CET
    2021-03-28 00:00:00 CET
    2021-03-29 00:00:00 CEST
    2021-03-30 00:00:00 CEST