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Data types

Polars is entirely based on Arrow data types and backed by Arrow memory arrays. This makes data processing cache-efficient and well-supported for Inter Process Communication. Most data types follow the exact implementation from Arrow, with the exception of Utf8 (this is actually LargeUtf8), Categorical, and Object (support is limited). The data types are:

Group Type Details
Numeric Int8 8-bit signed integer.
Int16 16-bit signed integer.
Int32 32-bit signed integer.
Int64 64-bit signed integer.
UInt8 8-bit unsigned integer.
UInt16 16-bit unsigned integer.
UInt32 32-bit unsigned integer.
UInt64 64-bit unsigned integer.
Float32 32-bit floating point.
Float64 64-bit floating point.
Nested Struct A struct array is represented as a Vec<Series> and is useful to pack multiple/heterogenous values in a single column.
List A list array contains a child array containing the list values and an offset array. (this is actually Arrow LargeList internally).
Temporal Date Date representation, internally represented as days since UNIX epoch encoded by a 32-bit signed integer.
Datetime Datetime representation, internally represented as microseconds since UNIX epoch encoded by a 64-bit signed integer.
Duration A timedelta type, internally represented as microseconds. Created when subtracting Date/Datetime.
Time Time representation, internally represented as nanoseconds since midnight.
Other Boolean Boolean type effectively bit packed.
Utf8 String data (this is actually Arrow LargeUtf8 internally).
Binary Store data as bytes.
Object A limited supported data type that can be any value.
Categorical A categorical encoding of a set of strings.

To learn more about the internal representation of these data types, check the Arrow columnar format.