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User-defined functions

Not updated for Python Polars 0.19.0

This section of the user guide still needs to be updated for the latest Polars release.

You should be convinced by now that Polars expressions are so powerful and flexible that there is much less need for custom Python functions than in other libraries.

Still, you need to have the power to be able to pass an expression's state to a third party library or apply your black box function over data in Polars.

For this we provide the following expressions:

  • map
  • apply

To map or to apply.

These functions have an important distinction in how they operate and consequently what data they will pass to the user.

A map passes the Series backed by the expression as is.

map follows the same rules in both the select and the group_by context, this will mean that the Series represents a column in a DataFrame. Note that in the group_by context, that column is not yet aggregated!

Use cases for map are for instance passing the Series in an expression to a third party library. Below we show how we could use map to pass an expression column to a neural network model.


    pl.col("features").map(lambda s: MyNeuralNetwork.forward(s.to_numpy())).alias("activations")
    col("features").map(|s| Ok(my_nn.forward(s))).alias("activations")

Use cases for map in the group_by context are slim. They are only used for performance reasons, but can quite easily lead to incorrect results. Let me explain why.


df = pl.DataFrame(
        "keys": ["a", "a", "b"],
        "values": [10, 7, 1],

out = df.group_by("keys", maintain_order=True).agg(
    pl.col("values").map_batches(lambda s: s.shift()).alias("shift_map"),


let df = df!(
    "keys" => &["a", "a", "b"],
    "values" => &[10, 7, 1],

let out = df
            .map(|s| Ok(s.shift(1)), GetOutput::default())

println!("{}", out);

shape: (3, 2)
│ keys ┆ values │
│ ---  ┆ ---    │
│ str  ┆ i64    │
│ a    ┆ 10     │
│ a    ┆ 7      │
│ b    ┆ 1      │

In the snippet above we group by the "keys" column. That means we have the following groups:

"a" -> [10, 7]
"b" -> [1]

If we would then apply a shift operation to the right, we'd expect:

"a" -> [null, 10]
"b" -> [null]

Now, let's print and see what we've got.

shape: (2, 3)
│ keys ┆ shift_map  ┆ shift_expression │
│ ---  ┆ ---        ┆ ---              │
│ str  ┆ list[i64]  ┆ list[i64]        │
│ a    ┆ [null, 10] ┆ [null, 10]       │
│ b    ┆ [7]        ┆ [null]           │

Ouch.. we clearly get the wrong results here. Group "b" even got a value from group "a" 😵.

This went horribly wrong, because the map applies the function before we aggregate! So that means the whole column [10, 7, 1] got shifted to [null, 10, 7] and was then aggregated.

So my advice is to never use map in the group_by context unless you know you need it and know what you are doing.

To apply

Luckily we can fix previous example with apply. apply works on the smallest logical elements for that operation.

That is:

  • select context -> single elements
  • group by context -> single groups

So with apply we should be able to fix our example:


out = df.group_by("keys", maintain_order=True).agg(
    pl.col("values").map_elements(lambda s: s.shift()).alias("shift_map"),


let out = df
            .apply(|s| Ok(s.shift(1)), GetOutput::default())
println!("{}", out);

shape: (2, 3)
│ keys ┆ shift_map  ┆ shift_expression │
│ ---  ┆ ---        ┆ ---              │
│ str  ┆ list[i64]  ┆ list[i64]        │
│ a    ┆ [null, 10] ┆ [null, 10]       │
│ b    ┆ [null]     ┆ [null]           │

And observe, a valid result! 🎉

apply in the select context

In the select context, the apply expression passes elements of the column to the python function.

Note that you are now running Python, this will be slow.

Let's go through some examples to see what to expect. We will continue with the DataFrame we defined at the start of this section and show an example with the apply function and a counter example where we use the expression API to achieve the same goals.

Adding a counter

In this example we create a global counter and then add the integer 1 to the global state at every element processed. Every iteration the result of the increment will be added to the element value.

Note, this example isn't provided in Rust. The reason is that the global counter value would lead to data races when this apply is evaluated in parallel. It would be possible to wrap it in a Mutex to protect the variable, but that would be obscuring the point of the example. This is a case where the Python Global Interpreter Lock's performance tradeoff provides some safety guarantees.


counter = 0

def add_counter(val: int) -> int:
    global counter
    counter += 1
    return counter + val

out =
    (pl.col("values") + pl.int_range(1, pl.count() + 1)).alias("solution_expr"),

shape: (3, 2)
│ solution_apply ┆ solution_expr │
│ ---            ┆ ---           │
│ i64            ┆ i64           │
│ 11             ┆ 11            │
│ 9              ┆ 9             │
│ 4              ┆ 4             │

Combining multiple column values

If we want to have access to values of different columns in a single apply function call, we can create struct data type. This data type collects those columns as fields in the struct. So if we'd create a struct from the columns "keys" and "values", we would get the following struct elements:

    {"keys": "a", "values": 10},
    {"keys": "a", "values": 7},
    {"keys": "b", "values": 1},

In Python, those would be passed as dict to the calling python function and can thus be indexed by field: str. In rust, you'll get a Series with the Struct type. The fields of the struct can then be indexed and downcast.

apply · struct

out =
    pl.struct(["keys", "values"])
    .map_elements(lambda x: len(x["keys"]) + x["values"])
    (pl.col("keys").str.lengths() + pl.col("values")).alias("solution_expr"),

apply · Struct · Available on feature dtype-struct

let out = df
        // pack to struct to get access to multiple fields in a custom `apply/map`
        as_struct(&[col("keys"), col("values")])
            // we will compute the len(a) + b
                |s| {
                    // downcast to struct
                    let ca = s.struct_()?;

                    // get the fields as Series
                    let s_a = &ca.fields()[0];
                    let s_b = &ca.fields()[1];

                    // downcast the `Series` to their known type
                    let ca_a = s_a.utf8()?;
                    let ca_b = s_b.i32()?;

                    // iterate both `ChunkedArrays`
                    let out: Int32Chunked = ca_a
                        .map(|(opt_a, opt_b)| match (opt_a, opt_b) {
                            (Some(a), Some(b)) => Some(a.len() as i32 + b),
                            _ => None,

        (col("keys").str().count_match(".") + col("values")).alias("solution_expr"),
println!("{}", out);

shape: (3, 2)
│ solution_apply ┆ solution_expr │
│ ---            ┆ ---           │
│ i64            ┆ i64           │
│ 11             ┆ 11            │
│ 8              ┆ 8             │
│ 2              ┆ 2             │

Structs are covered in detail in the next section.

Return types?

Custom python functions are black boxes for polars. We really don't know what kind of black arts you are doing, so we have to infer and try our best to understand what you meant.

As a user it helps to understand what we do to better utilize custom functions.

The data type is automatically inferred. We do that by waiting for the first non-null value. That value will then be used to determine the type of the Series.

The mapping of python types to polars data types is as follows:

  • int -> Int64
  • float -> Float64
  • bool -> Boolean
  • str -> Utf8
  • list[tp] -> List[tp] (where the inner type is inferred with the same rules)
  • dict[str, [tp]] -> struct
  • Any -> object (Prevent this at all times)

Rust types map as follows:

  • i32 or i64 -> Int64
  • f32 or f64 -> Float64
  • bool -> Boolean
  • String or str -> Utf8
  • Vec<tp> -> List[tp] (where the inner type is inferred with the same rules)