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Inner workings of the DataFrame-class


The DataFrame-class is simply two environments of respectively the public and private methods/function calls to the polars Rust side. The instantiated DataFrame-object is an externalptr to a low-level Rust polars DataFrame object.

The S3 method .DollarNames.RPolarsDataFrame exposes all public $foobar()-methods which are callable onto the object. Most methods return another DataFrame- class instance or similar which allows for method chaining. This class system could be called "environment classes" (in lack of a better name) and is the same class system extendr provides, except here there are both a public and private set of methods. For implementation reasons, the private methods are external and must be called from .pr$DataFrame$methodname(). Also, all private methods must take any self as an argument, thus they are pure functions. Having the private methods as pure functions solved/simplified self-referential complications.


Check out the source code in R/dataframe_frame.R to see how public methods are derived from private methods. Check out extendr-wrappers.R to see the extendr-auto-generated methods. These are moved to .pr and converted into pure external functions in after-wrappers.R. In zzz.R (named zzz to be last file sourced) the extendr-methods are removed and replaced by any function prefixed DataFrame_.

Active bindings


$columns returns a character vector with the column names.


$dtypes returns a unnamed list with the data type of each column.


$flags returns a nested list with column names at the top level and column flags in each sublist.

Flags are used internally to avoid doing unnecessary computations, such as sorting a variable that we know is already sorted. The number of flags varies depending on the column type: columns of type array and list have the flags SORTED_ASC, SORTED_DESC, and FAST_EXPLODE, while other column types only have the former two.

  • SORTED_ASC is set to TRUE when we sort a column in increasing order, so that we can use this information later on to avoid re-sorting it.
  • SORTED_DESC is similar but applies to sort in decreasing order.


$height returns the number of rows in the DataFrame.


$schema returns a named list with the data type of each column.


$shape returns a numeric vector of length two with the number of rows and the number of columns.


$width returns the number of columns in the DataFrame.

Conversion to R data types considerations

When converting Polars objects, such as DataFrames to R objects, for example via the generic function, each type in the Polars object is converted to an R type. In some cases, an error may occur because the conversion is not appropriate. In particular, there is a high possibility of an error when converting a Datetime type without a time zone. A Datetime type without a time zone in Polars is converted to the POSIXct type in R, which takes into account the time zone in which the R session is running (which can be checked with the Sys.timezone() function). In this case, if ambiguous times are included, a conversion error will occur. In such cases, change the session time zone using Sys.setenv(TZ = "UTC") and then perform the conversion, or use the $dt$replace_time_zone() method on the Datetime type column to explicitly specify the time zone before conversion.

# Due to daylight savings, clocks were turned forward 1 hour on Sunday, March 8, 2020, 2:00:00 am
# so this particular date-time doesn't exist
non_existent_time = as_polars_series("2020-03-08 02:00:00")\$str\$strptime(pl\$Datetime(), "%F %T")

      # This causes an error due to the time zone (the `TZ` env var is affected).
      error = function(e) e
#> <error: in to_r: ComputeError(ErrString("datetime '2020-03-08 02:00:00' is non-existent in time zone 'America/New_York'. You may be able to use `non_existent='null'` to return `null` in this case.")) When calling: devtools::document()>

    # This is safe.
#> [1] "2020-03-08 02:00:00 UTC"



# see all public exported method names (normally accessed via a class
# instance with $)
#>  [1] "cast"             "clear"            "clone"            "columns"         
#>  [5] "describe"         "drop"             "drop_in_place"    "drop_nulls"      
#>  [9] "dtype_strings"    "dtypes"           "equals"           "estimated_size"  
#> [13] "explode"          "fill_nan"         "fill_null"        "filter"          
#> [17] "first"            "flags"            "gather_every"     "get_column"      
#> [21] "get_columns"      "glimpse"          "group_by"         "group_by_dynamic"
#> [25] "head"             "height"           "item"             "join"            
#> [29] "join_asof"        "join_where"       "last"             "lazy"            
#> [33] "limit"            "max"              "mean"             "median"          
#> [37] "min"              "n_chunks"         "null_count"       "partition_by"    
#> [41] "pivot"            "print"            "quantile"         "rechunk"         
#> [45] "rename"           "reverse"          "rolling"          "sample"          
#> [49] "schema"           "select"           "select_seq"       "shape"           
#> [53] "shift"            "slice"            "sort"             "sql"             
#> [57] "std"              "sum"              "tail"             "to_data_frame"   
#> [61] "to_dummies"       "to_list"          "to_raw_ipc"       "to_series"       
#> [65] "to_struct"        "transpose"        "unique"           "unnest"          
#> [69] "unpivot"          "var"              "width"            "with_columns"    
#> [73] "with_columns_seq" "with_row_index"   "write_csv"        "write_ipc"       
#> [77] "write_json"       "write_ndjson"     "write_parquet"
# see all private methods (not intended for regular use)
#>  [1] "clear"                     "clone_in_rust"            
#>  [3] "columns"                   "default"                  
#>  [5] "drop_all_in_place"         "drop_in_place"            
#>  [7] "dtype_strings"             "dtypes"                   
#>  [9] "equals"                    "estimated_size"           
#> [11] "export_stream"             "from_arrow_record_batches"
#> [13] "from_raw_ipc"              "get_column"               
#> [15] "get_columns"               "lazy"                     
#> [17] "n_chunks"                  "new_with_capacity"        
#> [19] "null_count"                "partition_by"             
#> [21] "pivot_expr"                "print"                    
#> [23] "rechunk"                   "sample_frac"              
#> [25] "sample_n"                  "schema"                   
#> [27] "select"                    "select_at_idx"            
#> [29] "select_seq"                "set_column_from_robj"     
#> [31] "set_column_from_series"    "set_column_names_mut"     
#> [33] "shape"                     "to_dummies"               
#> [35] "to_list"                   "to_list_tag_structs"      
#> [37] "to_list_unwind"            "to_raw_ipc"               
#> [39] "to_struct"                 "transpose"                
#> [41] "unnest"                    "unpivot"                  
#> [43] "with_columns"              "with_columns_seq"         
#> [45] "with_row_index"            "write_csv"                
#> [47] "write_ipc"                 "write_json"               
#> [49] "write_ndjson"              "write_parquet"
# make an object
df = as_polars_df(iris)

# call an active binding
#> [1] 150   5
# use a private method, which has mutability
result = .pr$DataFrame$set_column_from_robj(df, 150:1, "some_ints")

# Column exists in both dataframes-objects now, as they are just pointers to
# the same object
# There are no public methods with mutability.
df2 = df

#> [1] "Sepal.Length" "Sepal.Width"  "Petal.Length" "Petal.Width"  "Species"     
#> [6] "some_ints"
#> [1] "Sepal.Length" "Sepal.Width"  "Petal.Length" "Petal.Width"  "Species"     
#> [6] "some_ints"
# Show flags
#> $Sepal.Length
#> $Sepal.Length$SORTED_ASC
#> [1] TRUE
#> $Sepal.Length$SORTED_DESC
#> [1] FALSE
#> $Sepal.Width
#> $Sepal.Width$SORTED_ASC
#> [1] FALSE
#> $Sepal.Width$SORTED_DESC
#> [1] FALSE
#> $Petal.Length
#> $Petal.Length$SORTED_ASC
#> [1] FALSE
#> $Petal.Length$SORTED_DESC
#> [1] FALSE
#> $Petal.Width
#> $Petal.Width$SORTED_ASC
#> [1] FALSE
#> $Petal.Width$SORTED_DESC
#> [1] FALSE
#> $Species
#> $Species$SORTED_ASC
#> [1] FALSE
#> $Species$SORTED_DESC
#> [1] FALSE
#> $some_ints
#> $some_ints$SORTED_ASC
#> [1] FALSE
#> $some_ints$SORTED_DESC
#> [1] FALSE
# set_column_from_robj-method is fallible and returned a result which could
# be "ok" or an error.
# No public method or function will ever return a result.
# The `result` is very close to the same as output from functions decorated
# with purrr::safely.
# To use results on the R side, these must be unwrapped first such that
# potentially errors can be thrown. `unwrap(result)` is a way to communicate
# errors happening on the Rust side to the R side. `Extendr` default behavior
# is to use `panic!`(s) which would cause some unnecessarily confusing and
# some very verbose error messages on the inner workings of rust.
# `unwrap(result)` in this case no error, just a NULL because this mutable
# method does not return any ok-value.

# Try unwrapping an error from polars due to unmatching column lengths
err_result = .pr$DataFrame$set_column_from_robj(df, 1:10000, "wrong_length")
tryCatch(unwrap(err_result, call = NULL), error = \(e) cat(as.character(e)))
#> Error in unwrap(err_result, call = NULL): could not find function "unwrap"