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Convert a String column into a Date/Datetime/Time column.

Source code


Similar to the strptime() function.


  format = NULL,
  strict = TRUE,
  exact = TRUE,
  cache = TRUE,
  ambiguous = "raise"


dtype The data type to convert into. Can be either pl$Date, pl$Datetime(), or pl$Time.
format Format to use for conversion. Refer to the chrono crate documentation for the full specification. Example: “%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S”. If NULL (default), the format is inferred from the data. Notice that time zone %Z is not supported and will just ignore timezones. Numeric time zones like %z or %:z are supported.
Not used.
strict If TRUE (default), raise an error if a single string cannot be parsed. If FALSE, produce a polars null.
exact If TRUE (default), require an exact format match. If FALSE, allow the format to match anywhere in the target string. Conversion to the Time type is always exact. Note that using exact = FALSE introduces a performance penalty - cleaning your data beforehand will almost certainly be more performant.
cache Use a cache of unique, converted dates to apply the datetime conversion.
ambiguous Determine how to deal with ambiguous datetimes:
  • “raise” (default): throw an error
  • “earliest”: use the earliest datetime
  • “latest”: use the latest datetime
  • “null”: return a null value


When parsing a Datetime the column precision will be inferred from the format string, if given, e.g.: “%F %T%.3f” => pl$Datetime("ms"). If no fractional second component is found then the default is “us” (microsecond).


Expr of Date, Datetime or Time type

See Also

  • \$str$to_date()
  • \$str$to_datetime()
  • \$str$to_time()



# Dealing with a consistent format
s = as_polars_series(c("2020-01-01 01:00Z", "2020-01-01 02:00Z"))

s$str$strptime(pl$Datetime(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M%#z")
#> polars Series: shape: (2,)
#> Series: '' [datetime[μs, UTC]]
#> [
#>  2020-01-01 01:00:00 UTC
#>  2020-01-01 02:00:00 UTC
#> ]
# Auto infer format
#> polars Series: shape: (2,)
#> Series: '' [datetime[μs, UTC]]
#> [
#>  2020-01-01 01:00:00 UTC
#>  2020-01-01 02:00:00 UTC
#> ]
# Datetime with timezone is interpreted as UTC timezone
#> polars Series: shape: (1,)
#> Series: '' [datetime[μs, UTC]]
#> [
#>  2019-12-31 16:00:00 UTC
#> ]
# Dealing with different formats.
s = as_polars_series(
    "2022-01-04 00:00:00",
    "Sun Jul  8 00:34:60 2001"

    pl$col("date")$str$strptime(pl$Date, "%F", strict = FALSE),
    pl$col("date")$str$strptime(pl$Date, "%F %T", strict = FALSE),
    pl$col("date")$str$strptime(pl$Date, "%D", strict = FALSE),
    pl$col("date")$str$strptime(pl$Date, "%c", strict = FALSE)
#> shape: (4, 1)
#> ┌────────────┐
#> │ date       │
#> │ ---        │
#> │ date       │
#> ╞════════════╡
#> │ 2021-04-22 │
#> │ 2022-01-04 │
#> │ 2022-01-31 │
#> │ 2001-07-08 │
#> └────────────┘
# Ignore invalid time
s = as_polars_series(
    "2023-01-01 11:22:33 -0100",
    "2023-01-01 11:22:33 +0300",
    "invalid time"

  format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z",
  strict = FALSE
#> polars Series: shape: (3,)
#> Series: '' [datetime[ns, UTC]]
#> [
#>  2023-01-01 12:22:33 UTC
#>  2023-01-01 08:22:33 UTC
#>  null
#> ]