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Return the last n characters of each string

Source code


Return the last n characters of each string




n Length of the slice (integer or expression). Strings are parsed as column names. Negative indexing is supported.


The n input is defined in terms of the number of characters in the (UTF-8) string. A character is defined as a Unicode scalar value. A single character is represented by a single byte when working with ASCII text, and a maximum of 4 bytes otherwise.

When the n input is negative, tail() returns characters starting from the nth from the beginning of the string. For example, if n = -3, then all characters except the first three are returned.

If the length of the string has fewer than n characters, the full string is returned.


Expr: Series of dtype String.



df = pl$DataFrame(
  s = c("pear", NA, "papaya", "dragonfruit"),
  n = c(3, 4, -2, -5)

  s_tail_5 = pl$col("s")$str$tail(5),
  s_tail_n = pl$col("s")$str$tail("n")
#> shape: (4, 4)
#> ┌─────────────┬──────┬──────────┬──────────┐
#> │ s           ┆ n    ┆ s_tail_5 ┆ s_tail_n │
#> │ ---         ┆ ---  ┆ ---      ┆ ---      │
#> │ str         ┆ f64  ┆ str      ┆ str      │
#> ╞═════════════╪══════╪══════════╪══════════╡
#> │ pear        ┆ 3.0  ┆ pear     ┆ ear      │
#> │ null        ┆ 4.0  ┆ null     ┆ null     │
#> │ papaya      ┆ -2.0 ┆ apaya    ┆ paya     │
#> │ dragonfruit ┆ -5.0 ┆ fruit    ┆ nfruit   │
#> └─────────────┴──────┴──────────┴──────────┘