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Get polars environment variables

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Get polars environment variables




The following envvars are available (in alphabetical order, with the default value in parenthesis):

  • POLARS_FMT_MAX_COLS (5): Set the number of columns that are visible when displaying tables. If negative, all columns are displayed.
  • POLARS_FMT_MAX_ROWS (8): Set the number of rows that are visible when displaying tables. If negative, all rows are displayed. This applies to both DataFrame and Series.
  • POLARS_FMT_STR_LEN (32): Maximum number of characters to display;
  • POLARS_FMT_TABLE_CELL_ALIGNMENT (“LEFT”): set the table cell alignment. Can be “LEFT”, “CENTER”, “RIGHT”;
  • POLARS_FMT_TABLE_CELL_LIST_LEN (3): Maximum number of elements of list variables to display;
  • POLARS_FMT_TABLE_CELL_NUMERIC_ALIGNMENT (“LEFT”): Set the table cell alignment for numeric columns. Can be “LEFT”, “CENTER”, “RIGHT”;
  • POLARS_FMT_TABLE_DATAFRAME_SHAPE_BELOW (“0”): print the DataFrame shape information below the data when displaying tables. Can be “0” or “1”.
  • POLARS_FMT_TABLE_FORMATTING (“UTF8_FULL_CONDENSED”): Set table formatting style. Possible values:
    • “ASCII_FULL”: ASCII, with all borders and lines, including row dividers.
    • “ASCII_FULL_CONDENSED”: Same as ASCII_FULL, but with dense row spacing.
    • “ASCII_NO_BORDERS”: ASCII, no borders.
    • “ASCII_BORDERS_ONLY”: ASCII, borders only.
    • “ASCII_BORDERS_ONLY_CONDENSED”: ASCII, borders only, dense row spacing.
    • “ASCII_HORIZONTAL_ONLY”: ASCII, horizontal lines only.
    • “ASCII_MARKDOWN”: ASCII, Markdown compatible.
    • “UTF8_FULL”: UTF8, with all borders and lines, including row dividers.
    • “UTF8_FULL_CONDENSED”: Same as UTF8_FULL, but with dense row spacing.
    • “UTF8_NO_BORDERS”: UTF8, no borders.
    • “UTF8_BORDERS_ONLY”: UTF8, borders only.
    • “UTF8_HORIZONTAL_ONLY”: UTF8, horizontal lines only.
    • “NOTHING”: No borders or other lines.
  • POLARS_FMT_TABLE_HIDE_COLUMN_DATA_TYPES (“0”): Hide table column data types (i64, f64, str etc.). Can be “0” or “1”.
  • POLARS_FMT_TABLE_HIDE_COLUMN_NAMES (“0”): Hide table column names. Can be “0” or “1”.
  • POLARS_FMT_TABLE_HIDE_COLUMN_SEPARATOR (“0”): Hide the “—” separator between the column names and column types. Can be “0” or “1”.
  • POLARS_FMT_TABLE_HIDE_DATAFRAME_SHAPE_INFORMATION (“0”): Hide the DataFrame shape information when displaying tables. Can be “0” or “1”.
  • POLARS_FMT_TABLE_INLINE_COLUMN_DATA_TYPE (“0”): Moves the data type inline with the column name (to the right, in parentheses). Can be “0” or “1”.
  • POLARS_FMT_TABLE_ROUNDED_CORNERS (“0”): Apply rounded corners to UTF8-styled tables (only applies to UTF8 formats).
  • POLARS_MAX_THREADS (\): Maximum number of threads used to initialize the thread pool. The thread pool is locked once polars is loaded, so this envvar must be set before loading the package.
  • POLARS_STREAMING_CHUNK_SIZE (\): Chunk size used in the streaming engine. Integer larger than 1. By default, the chunk size is determined by the schema and size of the thread pool. For some datasets (esp. when you have large string elements) this can be too optimistic and lead to Out of Memory errors.
  • POLARS_TABLE_WIDTH (\): Set the maximum width of a table in characters.
  • POLARS_VERBOSE (“0”): Enable additional verbose/debug logging.
  • POLARS_WARN_UNSTABLE (“0”): Issue a warning when unstable functionality is used. Enabling this setting may help avoid functionality that is still evolving, potentially reducing maintenance burden from API changes and bugs. Can be “0” or “1”.

The following configuration options are present in the Python API but currently cannot be changed in R: decimal separator, thousands separator, float precision, float formatting, trimming decimal zeros.


polars_envvars() returns a named list where the names are the names of environment variables and values are their values.



#> Environment variables:
#> ========                                                                     
#> POLARS_FMT_MAX_COLS                                                 5
#> POLARS_FMT_MAX_ROWS                                                 8
#> POLARS_FMT_STR_LEN                                                 32
#> POLARS_FMT_TABLE_CELL_ALIGNMENT                                  LEFT
#> POLARS_FMT_TABLE_CELL_LIST_LEN                                      3
#> POLARS_FMT_TABLE_DATAFRAME_SHAPE_BELOW                              0
#> POLARS_FMT_TABLE_HIDE_COLUMN_DATA_TYPES                             0
#> POLARS_FMT_TABLE_HIDE_COLUMN_NAMES                                  0
#> POLARS_FMT_TABLE_HIDE_COLUMN_SEPARATOR                              0
#> POLARS_FMT_TABLE_INLINE_COLUMN_DATA_TYPE                            0
#> POLARS_FMT_TABLE_ROUNDED_CORNERS                                    0
#> POLARS_MAX_THREADS                                                  4
#> POLARS_STREAMING_CHUNK_SIZE                                  variable
#> POLARS_TABLE_WIDTH                                           variable
#> POLARS_VERBOSE                                                      0
#> POLARS_WARN_UNSTABLE                                                0
#> See `?polars::polars_envvars` for the definition of all envvars.
pl$DataFrame(x = "This is a very very very long sentence.")
#> shape: (1, 1)
#> ┌─────────────────────────────────┐
#> │ x                               │
#> │ ---                             │
#> │ str                             │
#> ╞═════════════════════════════════╡
#> │ This is a very very very long … │
#> └─────────────────────────────────┘
Sys.setenv(POLARS_FMT_STR_LEN = 50)
pl$DataFrame(x = "This is a very very very long sentence.")
#> shape: (1, 1)
#> ┌─────────────────────────────────────────┐
#> │ x                                       │
#> │ ---                                     │
#> │ str                                     │
#> ╞═════════════════════════════════════════╡
#> │ This is a very very very long sentence. │
#> └─────────────────────────────────────────┘
# back to default
Sys.setenv(POLARS_FMT_STR_LEN = 32)